How To Help Someone Who Has Lost Their Pet?

Losing a pet is a painful experience, especially if the pet has been your companion for a long time. At The Jerry Spears Company, we encourage people to support loved ones that are going through this pain. It is easy to underestimate a pet owner’s grief and leaving it unaddressed can cause long-term issues. This post contains some tips on how to help people who have lost their pet.

1. Respect Their Grief

Don’t dismiss or undermine their feelings. Pet owners develop a deep connection with their companions and feel a sense of deep sadness when they lose that connection. Pet parents who live alone can also experience touch starvation if they had a particularly affectionate relationship with their puppies. Friends and family members need to understand their emotions during this difficult time.

2. Offer Practical Assistance

Offer some practical help like preparing food or shopping for groceries. It is common for people to neglect their well-being when they experience deep grief. Check up on your friend to ensure they are taking care of themselves and offer direct support.

3. Distract Them

Pet parents may feel very lonely after their companion passes away. Distract them by visiting, taking them to watch movies, going on drives, etc. You can also distract them while maintaining social distance. Schedule video calls, play games with them online or watch Netflix on Skype, etc. Distraction will give your friend a break from their grief and help them heal faster.

4. Organize a Memorial

If your friend hasn’t organized any sort of ceremony for their pet, do it on their behalf. Most people feel silly for arranging a memorial for a pet and assume their friends won’t support it. Such a ceremony will help pet parents say their goodbyes in a meaningful way.

If you want to know more about cremation or funeral homes, don't hesitate to contact us at The Jerry Spears Company. Our team will be happy to help.
