Why Losing A Pet Can Be So Difficult

Why Losing a Pet can be so Difficult

Many people like to have pets in their homes and they are also a crucial aspect of a support system for the elderly that live alone. We at The Jerry Spears Company have seen how much distress the death of a pet can cause family members. On average, dogs and cats have a lifespan of 13 years. It means when you lose a pet, the emotional turmoil and pain you feel can be intense. Dealing with the loss can be challenging.

Pets Play Various Roles

A pet can be a companion, protector and a caretaker and they offer affection without expecting much. When they have pets in their homes, people are able to deal with stress, physical and mental disabilities, grief, and loneliness much better. Those who are depressed use pets for emotional support and it helps to put them in a better mental state. Its little surprise that pets have now become a crucial aspect of people lives.

The Special Bond

Since pets have such an important role to play in our lives, losing them can be quite devastating. The loss can be as traumatic as that of a family member, which means the grieving process can also be quite difficult. People go through various stages of grief such as denial, guilt, and anger, frustration, and then acceptance during this time.

If you have recently lost a pet, you need to give yourself the time to heal and recover. This is crucial and you must take care of yourself to avoid the pain of the loss. You can spend more time with your family or take long walks to de-stress and deal with the grief you are feeling from the loss of a pet. If you want to know more about funeral services, don’t hesitate to contact us at The Jerry Spears Company. Our team will be happy to help.
