As parents, we want to shield our children from unpleasant experiences, stresses, and undue worries. While the intention is a good one, it also means that we sometimes shield them from the realities of life. Many people feel that they should not discuss death with their kids and don’t allow them to accompany them to a funeral service either. It's normal for parents to believe that seeing the casket and the body and just being at the venue might disturb their child.
Should You Take a Child To A Funeral Service?
However, we at The Jerry Spears Company, we know from experience, and many therapists believe it's far better to be forthcoming with information regarding death and funerals while talking with children. Most kids are smart enough to recognize that death will come at some time or the other, especially if a person is old or ailing.
If you are open with your children and also allow them to attend the funeral of a loved one, it will help them understand the concept of death in a better way. They will be well-adjusted and not shocked later in life if they have to deal with the death of someone close to them. Children feel grief and loss, just like adults do, and they too can have intense feelings when dealing with the news of a death in the family.
While you must never compel them to do so, explain to them what the service means and why it is conducted and then allow them to make their decision about whether to attend it or not. Explain the etiquette to follow so that they do not cause any disruption. However, it's best not to take very young or hyperactive children to a funeral.
If you want to know
more about working with family-owned funeral homes, don’t hesitate to contact us at The Jerry Spears Company. Our team will be happy to help.
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