Benefits of Planning Your Funeral While You’re Still Alive

Benefits of Planning Your Funeral While You’re Still Alive
Benefits of Planning Your Funeral While You’re Still Alive

Pre-planning a funeral can be an intimidating process, but it offers a wide range of benefits. Many individuals hesitate to plan ahead and don’t know how to broach the subject with their family. Here are some benefits that will help make the decision easier and encourage you to consider pre-planning:

1. The Funeral is Carried out According to the Decedent’s Wishes

Pre-planning allows individuals to plan all aspects of their funeral, including the memorial service and the actual disposal of the body. For example, individuals can choose  cremation instead of a burial instead of leaving this option up to the family members who might be uncomfortable with the decision.

2. All Expenses are Paid For

All expenses are paid for in advance so the loved ones left behind don’t have to deal with the financial burden of the move. Funerals can be expensive and a sudden death can sometimes have a big impact on the family’s finances, which is why it’s a good idea to pay for and arrange the funeral service in advance when the individual is in a financially sound state.

3. There are no Conflicts in the Family

Planning a funeral can be a trying time for the family and it can also test relationships. Everyone will have a different idea and opinion of what the decedent expected for their funeral, which can lead to unnecessary conflicts. That’s one of the reasons why it’s a good idea to plan in advance and remove the decision from the family’s hands. This ensures there are no conflicts and the funeral is carried out quickly after the death. The family members will have proper time to grieve.

If you want to know more about funeral services, don’t hesitate to contact us at The Jerry Spears Company. Our team will be happy to help.
